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sworn translation specialist
The website belongs to the EB Translation, translation agency, founded by Eliane El Braidy, a sworn translator for more than 10 years.
EBTranslation works with the best sworn translators in Lebanon and overseas.
We created the online shop "" in 2021, which makes us the first translation agency specialising in sworn translationi n Lebanon
Our objective:
To deliver documents to you that are perfectly natural in the desired language and adapted to your target audience.At EBtranslation, we strive for and demand high-quality results.
Do you expect a lot? We expect more!
In addition to choosing the best translator, we embrace a work method that focuses on paying attention to our clients and understanding their needs, providing a high level professional expertise, and applying a rigorous quality assurance process.
Our website allows you to easily order your sworn translations online for your administrative procedures.
You benefit from our great expertise in professional and sworn translation. We can also advise or guide you with regard to your administrative formalities within as part of your sworn translation order.